Toutes les publications doivent faire mention du projet MatMéca financé à l’aide du programme « Investissements d’Avenir » géré par l’Agence nationale de la Recherche et portant la référence suivante : ANR-10-EQPX-37.
Daon, Joffrey
*Matériaux d’Interface Thermique Nanostructurés Thèse
ECOLE DOCTORALE N ° 579 Sciences Mécaniques et Energétiques, Matériaux et Géoscienc, 2016.
Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Helios
title = {*Mat\'{e}riaux d’Interface Thermique Nanostructur\'{e}s},
author = {Joffrey Daon},
url = {},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-12-06},
address = {MSSMat - Laboratoire de m\'{e}canique des sols, structures et mat\'{e}riaux - CentraleSup\'{e}lec - Grande voie des vignes - 92295 CHATENAY MALABRY CEDEX - France},
school = {ECOLE DOCTORALE N ° 579 Sciences M\'{e}caniques et Energ\'{e}tiques, Mat\'{e}riaux et G\'{e}oscienc},
abstract = {Dans le domaine de la micro\'{e}lectronique de puissance, les progr\`{e}s de miniaturisation ne cessent de s’accro\^{i}tre. En effet, le nombre de composants par unit\'{e} de surface a suivie durant de nombreuses ann\'{e}es la loi de Moore. Cette \'{e}volution implique une augmentation de la densit\'{e} d’\'{e}nergie \`{a} \'{e}vacuer sous forme de chaleur, ce qui rend le contr\^{o}le de la temp\'{e}rature de fonctionnement difficile et a pour effet de diminuer la fiabilit\'{e} des syst\`{e}mes \'{e}lectroniques.C’est pourquoi, le management thermique des mat\'{e}riaux d’interface thermique est indispensable pour p\'{e}renniser le bon fonctionnement des dispositifs de puissance dans leur environnement. L’utilit\'{e} de ces mat\'{e}riaux est d’am\'{e}liorer l’\'{e}vacuation de la chaleur des composants \'{e}lectroniques vers le milieu environnant via un dissipateur thermique (radiateur, fluide caloporteur). Pour tenter de r\'{e}pondre \`{a} ces besoins, ce sujet de th\`{e}se est bas\'{e} sur l’utilisation de nanotubes de carbone verticalement align\'{e}s, associ\'{e}e \`{a} des polym\`{e}res fonctionnels. Les \'{e}tudes se sont port\'{e}es sur l’ensembledes r\'{e}sistances de contact existantes au sein d’un mat\'{e}riau d’interface thermique, depuis les nanotubes decarbone / Polym\`{e}re / jusqu’au substrat de cuivre.L’optimisation des interactions est port\'{e}e sur l’\'{e}tude de diff\'{e}rents polym\`{e}res ayant la capacit\'{e} d’engendrer des liaisons covalentes avec les nanotubes de carbone et avec le substrat de cuivre. L’int\'{e}r\^{e}t de ces liaisons covalentes est d’am\'{e}liorer le transfert de la chaleur via les phonons. Enfin, l’augmentation de la conductivit\'{e} thermique intrins\`{e}que des polym\`{e}res est envisag\'{e}e.Concernant les r\'{e}sultats obtenus, il apparait une nette diminution de chacune des r\'{e}sistances de contact \'{e}tudi\'{e}es. Afin de mieux comprendre ces r\'{e}sultats, des \'{e}tudes de ces interfaces in-situ ont \'{e}t\'{e} r\'{e}alis\'{e}es.},
keywords = {Helios},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Hild, François; Bouterf, Amine; Chamoin, Ludovic; Leclerc, Hugo; Mathieu, Florent; Neggers, Jan; Pled, Florent; Tomičević, Zvonimir; Roux, Stéphane
Toward 4D mechanical correlation Article de journal
Dans: Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, vol. 3, no. 17, 2016.
Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Tomographe
title = {Toward 4D mechanical correlation},
author = {Fran\c{c}ois Hild and Amine Bouterf and Ludovic Chamoin and Hugo Leclerc and Florent Mathieu and Jan Neggers and Florent Pled and Zvonimir Tomi\v{c}evi\'{c} and St\'{e}phane Roux},
url = {},
doi = {10.1186/s40323-016-0070-z},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-12-01},
journal = {Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences},
volume = {3},
number = {17},
abstract = {Background:
The goal of the present study is to illustrate the full integration of sensor and imaging data into numerical procedures for the purpose of identification of constitutive laws and their validation. The feasibility of such approaches is proven in the context of in situ tests monitored by tomography. The bridging tool consists of spatiotemporal (i.e., 4D) analyses with dedicated (integrated) correlation algorithms.
A tensile test on nodular graphite cast iron sample is performed within a lab tomograph. The reconstructed volumes are registered via integrated digital volume correlation (DVC) that incorporates a finite element modeling of the test, thereby performing a mechanical integration in 4D registration of a series of 3D images. In the present case a non-intrusive procedure is developed in which the 4D sensitivity fields are obtained with a commercial finite element code, allowing for a large versatility in meshing and incorporation of complex constitutive laws. Convergence studies can thus be performed in which the quality of the discretization is controlled both for the simulation and the registration.
Incremental DVC analyses are carried out with the scans acquired during the in situ mechanical test. For DVC, the mesh size results from a compromise between measurement uncertainties and its spatial resolution. Conversely, a numerically good mesh may reveal too fine for the considered material microstructure. With the integrated framework proposed herein, 4D registrations can be performed and missing boundary conditions of the reference state as well as mechanical parameters of an elastoplastic constitutive law are determined in fair condition both for DVC and simulation.
keywords = {Tomographe},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
The goal of the present study is to illustrate the full integration of sensor and imaging data into numerical procedures for the purpose of identification of constitutive laws and their validation. The feasibility of such approaches is proven in the context of in situ tests monitored by tomography. The bridging tool consists of spatiotemporal (i.e., 4D) analyses with dedicated (integrated) correlation algorithms.
A tensile test on nodular graphite cast iron sample is performed within a lab tomograph. The reconstructed volumes are registered via integrated digital volume correlation (DVC) that incorporates a finite element modeling of the test, thereby performing a mechanical integration in 4D registration of a series of 3D images. In the present case a non-intrusive procedure is developed in which the 4D sensitivity fields are obtained with a commercial finite element code, allowing for a large versatility in meshing and incorporation of complex constitutive laws. Convergence studies can thus be performed in which the quality of the discretization is controlled both for the simulation and the registration.
Incremental DVC analyses are carried out with the scans acquired during the in situ mechanical test. For DVC, the mesh size results from a compromise between measurement uncertainties and its spatial resolution. Conversely, a numerically good mesh may reveal too fine for the considered material microstructure. With the integrated framework proposed herein, 4D registrations can be performed and missing boundary conditions of the reference state as well as mechanical parameters of an elastoplastic constitutive law are determined in fair condition both for DVC and simulation.
Liu, Yu; Hamon, Ann-Lenaig; Haghi-Ashtiani, Paul; Reiss, Thomas; Fan, Benhui; He, Delong; Bai, Jinbo
Quantitative Study of Interface/Interphase in Epoxy/Graphene-based Nanocomposites by Combining STEM and EELS Article de journal
Dans: ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2016.
Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Helios, Titan
title = {Quantitative Study of Interface/Interphase in Epoxy/Graphene-based Nanocomposites by Combining STEM and EELS},
author = {Yu Liu and Ann-Lenaig Hamon and Paul Haghi-Ashtiani and Thomas Reiss and Benhui Fan and Delong He and Jinbo Bai},
url = {},
doi = {10.1021/acsami.6b12915},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-11-18},
urldate = {2016-11-18},
journal = {ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces},
abstract = {A quantitative study of the interphase and interface of graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs)/epoxy and graphene oxide (GO)/epoxy was carried out by combining scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS). The interphase regions between GNPs and epoxy matrix were clearly identified by the discrepancy of the plasmon peak positions in the low energy-loss spectra due to different valence electron densities. The spectrum acquisitions were carried out along lines across the interface. An interphase thickness of 13 and 12.5 nm was measured for GNPs/epoxy and GO/epoxy, respectively. The density of the GNPs/epoxy interphase was 2.89% higher than that of the epoxy matrix. However, the density of the GO/epoxy interphase was 1.37% lower than that of the epoxy matrix. The interphase layer thickness measured in this work is in good agreement with the transition layer theory, which proposed an area with modulus linearly varying across a finite width. The results provide an insight into the interphase for carbon-based polymer composites that can help to design the functionalization of nanofillers to improve the composite properties.},
keywords = {Helios, Titan},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Olivier, Kelly; Darquennes, Aveline; Benboudjema, Farid; Gagné, Richard
Early-Age Self-Healing of Cementitious Materials Containing Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag under Water Curing Article de journal
Dans: Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, vol. 14, p. 717-727, 2016.
Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Tomographe
title = {Early-Age Self-Healing of Cementitious Materials Containing Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag under Water Curing },
author = {Kelly Olivier and Aveline Darquennes and Farid Benboudjema and Richard Gagn\'{e}
url = {},
doi = {10.3151/jact.14.717},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-10-30},
journal = {Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology},
volume = {14},
pages = {717-727},
abstract = {In order to limit the release of CO2 emissions produced by cement manufacturing, clinker, the major cement component, is often partially replaced by mineral additions such as Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag (GGBFS). Civil-engineering structures made with GGBFS cement can however present cracking at early age (\< 28 days) due to re-strained shrinkage that significantly affects their durability and their material transport properties. Self-healing may limit these phenomena. In order to study and quantify self-healing kinetics, X-ray tomography tests for mortars with different GGBFS contents are performed. Results show that X-ray tomography provides valuable information inside the specimens: crack openings and healing products distribution. It is also shown that self-healing evolves rapidly during the first weeks of water curing and it is more important for cementitious materials containing GGBFS. This is due to their lower early age hydration degree allowing an ongoing hydration after cracking and the formation of supplementary C-S-H along the crack.},
keywords = {Tomographe},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Tapie, Laurent; Chiche, Norman; Boitelle, Philippe; Morenton, Pascal; Attal, Jean-Pierre; Schmitt, Nicolas; Vennat, Elsa
Adaptation Measurement of CAD/CAM Dental Crowns with X-Ray Micro-CT: Metrological Chain Standardization and 3D Gap Size Distribution Article de journal
Dans: Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 2016, 2016.
Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Tomographe
title = {Adaptation Measurement of CAD/CAM Dental Crowns with X-Ray Micro-CT: Metrological Chain Standardization and 3D Gap Size Distribution},
author = {Laurent Tapie and Norman Chiche and Philippe Boitelle and Pascal Morenton and Jean-Pierre Attal and Nicolas Schmitt and Elsa Vennat},
url = {},
doi = {},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-10-17},
journal = {Advances in Materials Science and Engineering},
volume = {2016},
abstract = {Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing systems are increasingly used to produce dental prostheses, but the parts produced suffer from a lack of evaluation, especially concerning the internal gap of the final assembly, that is, the space between the prepared tooth and the prosthesis. X-ray micro-Computed Tomography (micro-CT) is a noninvasive imaging technique enabling the internal inspection of the assembly. It has proved to be an efficient tool for measuring the gap. In this study, a critical review of the protocols using micro-CT to quantify the gap is proposed as an introduction to a new protocol aimed at minimizing errors and enabling comparison between CAD/CAM systems. To compare different systems, a standardized protocol is proposed including two reference geometries. Micro-CT is used to acquire the reference geometries. A new 3D method is then proposed and a new indicator is defined (Gap Size Distribution (GSD)). In addition, the usual 2D measurements are described and discussed. The 3D gap measurement method proposed can be used in clinical case geometries and has the considerable advantage of minimizing the data processing steps before performing the measurements.},
keywords = {Tomographe},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Zhao, Hang; Yang, Minhao; He, Delong; Bai, Jinbo
Dans: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, vol. 4, no. 38, p. 8911-8919, 2016.
Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Helios, Titan
title = {*Enhanced dielectric performance of polyvinylidene fluoride composites with an all-carbon hybrid architecture: vertically aligned carbon nanotube arrays on graphite nanoplatelets},
author = {Hang Zhao and Minhao Yang and Delong He and Jinbo Bai},
doi = {10.1039/c6tc02386j},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-10-14},
volume = {4},
number = {38},
pages = {8911-8919},
abstract = {10.1039/c6tc02386j},
keywords = {Helios, Titan},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Tomičević, Zvonimir; Kodvanj, Janoš; Hild, François
Characterization of the nonlinear behavior of nodular graphite cast iron via inverse identification–Analysis of uniaxial tests Article de journal
Dans: European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, vol. 59, p. 140–154, 2016.
Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Tomographe
title = {Characterization of the nonlinear behavior of nodular graphite cast iron via inverse identification\textendashAnalysis of uniaxial tests},
author = {Zvonimir Tomi\v{c}evi\'{c} and Jano\v{s} Kodvanj and Fran\c{c}ois Hild},
url = {},
doi = {10.1016/j.euromechsol.2016.02.010},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-09-01},
journal = {European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids},
volume = {59},
pages = {140\textendash154},
abstract = {The aim of this work is to estimate the parameters of elastoplastic and damage laws for nodular graphite cast iron from a cyclic uniaxial test on a dog-bone sample. The paper focuses on the identification of material parameters coupling finite element models and full-field measurements. The gap between the measured and simulated data is used to estimate the quality of the proposed constitutive postulates.
Last, a cyclic uniaxial experiment is carried out in a lab tomograph to reveal the damage micromechanism. Digital volume correlation is used to measure displacement fields in the bulk of the sample. The correlation residuals are used to detect the damage mechanism occurring in the heterogeneous microstructure of the material.},
keywords = {Tomographe},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Last, a cyclic uniaxial experiment is carried out in a lab tomograph to reveal the damage micromechanism. Digital volume correlation is used to measure displacement fields in the bulk of the sample. The correlation residuals are used to detect the damage mechanism occurring in the heterogeneous microstructure of the material.
Ciria, D.; Hassine, M. Ben; Jiménez-Melendo, M.; Iakovleva, A.; Haghi-Ashtiani, P.; Aubin, V.; Dezanneau, G.
Mechanical degradation under hydrogen of yttrium doped barium zirconate electrolyte material prepared with NiO additive Article de journal
Dans: Journal of Power Sources, vol. 321, p. 226–232, 2016.
Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Titan
title = {Mechanical degradation under hydrogen of yttrium doped barium zirconate electrolyte material prepared with NiO additive},
author = {D. Ciria and M. Ben Hassine and M. Jim\'{e}nez-Melendo and A. Iakovleva and P. Haghi-Ashtiani and V. Aubin and G. Dezanneau},
doi = {10.1016/j.jpowsour.2016.05.001},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-07-30},
journal = {Journal of Power Sources},
volume = {321},
pages = {226\textendash232},
abstract = {Recently, a novel process was presented to fabricate dense yttrium-doped barium zirconate electrolytes with high proton conductivity. This process was based on the use of a NiO additive during reactive sintering. We show here that materials made from this process present a fast degradation of mechanical properties when put in hydrogen-rich conditions, while material made from conventional sintering without NiO aid remains intact in the same conditions. The fast degradation of samples made from reactive sintering, leading to sample failure under highly compressive conditions, is due to the reduction of NiO nanoparticles at grain boundaries as shown from structural and chemical analyses using Transmission Electron Microscopy. By the present study, we alert about the potential risk of cell failure due to this mechanical degradation.},
keywords = {Titan},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Taillandier-Thomas, Thibault; Roux, Stéphane; Hild, François
A soft route toward 4D Tomography Article de journal
Dans: Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 117, iss. 2, p. 025501, 2016.
Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Tomographe
title = {A soft route toward 4D Tomography},
author = {Thibault Taillandier-Thomas and St\'{e}phane Roux and Fran\c{c}ois Hild},
editor = {American Physical Society},
url = {},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.025501},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-07-06},
urldate = {2016-07-06},
journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
volume = {117},
issue = {2},
pages = {025501},
abstract = {Based on the assumption that the time evolution of a sample observed by computed tomography requires many less parameters than the definition of the microstructure itself, it is proposed to reconstruct these changes based on the initial state (using computed tomography) and very few radiographs acquired at fixed intervals of time. This Letter presents a proof of concept that for a fatigue cracked sample its kinematics can be tracked from no more than two radiographs in situations where a complete 3D view would require several hundreds of radiographs. This 2 order of magnitude gain opens the way to a “computed” 4D tomography, which complements the recent progress achieved in fast or ultrafast computed tomography, which is based on beam brightness, detector sensitivity, and signal acquisition technologies.},
keywords = {Tomographe},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Ma, Yang
Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Titan
title = {*\'{E}tude de la formation et de l’activit\'{e} catalytique de nanoparticules durant les premiers instants de la croissance de nanotubes de carbone par d\'{e}p\^{o}t chimique en phase vapeur assist\'{e} par a\'{e}rosol},
author = {Yang Ma},
url = {},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-06-30},
address = {MSSMat - Laboratoire de m\'{e}canique des sols, structures et mat\'{e}riaux - CentraleSup\'{e}lec - Grande voie des vignes - 92295 CHATENAY MALABRY CEDEX - France},
abstract = {De par leurs propri\'{e}t\'{e}s remarquables, les nanotubes de carbone (NTCs) re\c{c}oivent beaucoup d’attention et de nombreuses recherches sont men\'{e}es sur ces mat\'{e}riaux depuis les derni\`{e}res d\'{e}cennies. Le nombre d'applications envisag\'{e}es mais aussi la quantit\'{e} demand\'{e}e de NTCs augmentent chaque ann\'{e}e. Pour atteindre une production \`{a} grande \'{e}chelle et contr\^{o}l\'{e}e, il est n\'{e}cessaire d'avoir une bonne compr\'{e}hension des m\'{e}canismes de croissance des NTCs. Dans ce manuscrit, la formation ainsi que l'activit\'{e} catalytique de nanoparticules (NPs) par d\'{e}p\^{o}t chimique en phase vapeur assist\'{e} par a\'{e}rosol (CVD) sont \'{e}tudi\'{e}es exp\'{e}rimentalement, pour analyser le processus d'\'{e}volution des NPs et leur relation avec les NTCs.Dans le chapitre 1, nous pr\'{e}sentons une introduction g\'{e}n\'{e}rale sur des structures, les m\'{e}thodes de synth\`{e}se, les propri\'{e}t\'{e}s et les applications envisag\'{e}es des NTCs, ainsi que l’\'{e}tat de l’art concernant l’\'{e}tude des m\'{e}canismes de croissance des NTCs.Dans le chapitre 2, nous d\'{e}crivons le syst\`{e}me de d\'{e}p\^{o}t chimique en phase vapeur avec catalyseur flottant, ainsi que les m\'{e}thodes de diagnostic in-situ/ex-situ utilis\'{e}es dans cette \'{e}tude. La technique d’incandescence induite par laser (LII) est particuli\`{e}rement importante dans ce chapitre, car cette technique nous permet de r\'{e}aliser un diagnostic in situ sur la quantit\'{e}/taille des NPs d\'{e}pos\'{e}es pendant le processus de synth\`{e}se.Dans le chapitre 3, nous pr\'{e}sentons l'\'{e}volution des NPs lors de la synth\`{e}se ainsi que les influences des diff\'{e}rents param\`{e}tres de CVD (temp\'{e}rature, quantit\'{e} de carbone/catalyseur, composition du gaz, etc.) sur les gouttelettes et les NPs respectivement. Un mod\`{e}le pour la formation de NPs est propos\'{e} \`{a} la fin de ce chapitre.Dans le chapitre 4, les r\'{e}sultats des exp\'{e}riences sur l'\'{e}volution de la composition du gaz sont r\'{e}v\'{e}l\'{e}s. Ces r\'{e}sultats donnent des informations concernant les r\'{e}actions chimiques ayant lieu dans la phase gazeuse lors de la synth\`{e}se des NTCs.Dans le chapitre 5, une \'{e}tude d\'{e}taill\'{e}e de l'influence des param\`{e}tres de CVD sur les produits NTCs est men\'{e}e, et les relations entre les NPs et les NTC sont discut\'{e}es.Pour finir, des conclusions g\'{e}n\'{e}rales ainsi que les perspectives pr\'{e}vues pour les travaux futurs sont pr\'{e}sent\'{e}es. },
keywords = {Titan},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Chaumun, Elizabeth; Héripré, Eva; Sennour, Mohamed; Duhamel, Cécilie; Guerre, Catherine; de Curières, Ian; Crépin, Jérôme
Colloque ’ La métallurgie,quel avenir!’ bicentenaire de l’Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne, 2016.
Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Helios
title = {Couplage de techniques de microscopies \'{e}lectroniques,mesures de champs et calculs pour l’\'{e}tude de l’influencedes param\`{e}tres microstructuraux sur l’amor\c{c}age defissures en corrosion sous contrainte},
author = {Elizabeth Chaumun and Eva H\'{e}ripr\'{e} and Mohamed Sennour and C\'{e}cilie Duhamel and Catherine Guerre and Ian de Curi\`{e}res and J\'{e}r\^{o}me Cr\'{e}pin},
url = {},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-06-01},
booktitle = {Colloque ’ La m\'{e}tallurgie,quel avenir!’ bicentenaire de l’Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne},
keywords = {Helios},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Ma, Yang; Dichiara, Anthony B.; He, Delong; Zimmer, Laurent; Bai, Jinbo
*Control of product nature and morphology by adjusting the hydrogen content in a continuous chemical vapor deposition process for carbon nanotube synthesis Article de journal
Dans: Carbon, vol. 107, p. 171 - 179, 2016, ISSN: 0008-6223.
Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Titan
title = {*Control of product nature and morphology by adjusting the hydrogen content in a continuous chemical vapor deposition process for carbon nanotube synthesis},
author = {Yang Ma and Anthony B. Dichiara and Delong He and Laurent Zimmer and Jinbo Bai},
doi = {10.1016/j.carbon.2016.05.060},
issn = {0008-6223},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-05-27},
journal = {Carbon},
volume = {107},
pages = {171 - 179},
abstract = {Floating catalyst chemical vapor deposition (FCCVD) is commonly considered as one of the most attractive processes for the production of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Understanding the phenomena occurring during the FCCVD synthesis of CNTs is critical to improve the process selectivity and scalability. The present work correlates information on gas chemistry and structural characteristics of the carbonaceous products, and show how both are strongly related to the hydrogen content in the reactor. Hydrogen plays different roles in the CNT growth process whose contributions depend on the synthesis conditions. Its presence induces an augmentation in carbon supply by promoting the decomposition of hydrocarbon vapors into more reactive byproducts, and by serving as an activation agent for the dissociation of physisorbed hydrocarbons on the surface of catalyst particles. However, high hydrogen content can induce catalytic hydrogenation of carbon and lead to surface modification of CNTs. Hydrogen also interferes with the decomposition of catalytic precursors, thus influencing the size and availability of catalyst nanoparticles. As a result, the mean and core diameters, crystallinity of the graphene walls, and length of CNTs are greatly influenced by the hydrogen flow, which offers the possibility to tune the CNT properties in a very simple, yet efficient way.},
keywords = {Titan},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Okyay, Gizem
Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Helios
title = {Impact of the morphology of soot aggregates on their radiative properties and the subsequent radiative heat transfer through sooty gaseous mixtures},
author = {Gizem Okyay},
url = {},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-04-19},
abstract = {Soot and its characterization are of interest to researchers from various domains such as combustion diagnostics, numerical combustion, atmospheric optics, environmental and health applications. In this study, the main interest is on the radiative properties of soot aggregates issued directly from combustion flames in order to determine the effect of the presence of soot on the radiative heat transfer in the simulation of high temperature industrial applications involving gas combustion. Current studies modeling the radiative heat transfer through sooty gaseous media consider only the absorption as the main phenomenon of material-radiation interaction. Generalized correlations are used to determine the radiative properties of soot: these radiative properties are either computed over numerically generated aggregate morphologies or simply as a function of the soot average size, the fractal dimension and the volume fraction. However, the material-radiation interaction is susceptible to be more complex and morphology dependent at the aggregate level because of multiple scattering when the size of the object reaches the order of magnitude of the incident radiation wavelengths.In our work, we investigate the possibility to establish a computational methodology and workflow, starting from the definition of a realistic soot morphology up to the computation of the radiative heat transfer. To that end, observations of soot issued from propane/air, methane/air and methane/oxygen flames are performed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). SEM tomography is applied for the first time on soot issued from a propane/air flame, combined with Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) observations. 2D and 3D fractal analysis techniques are used to investigate the fractal properties of virtual (numerically generated) soot clusters and also of the tomography reconstructed objects. The radiative properties of soot are then computed using our in-house developed DDA (Discrete Dipole Approximation) code. Special attention is paid to the DDA modeling of soot because of the high complex extinction index of the material, and to the directional integration numerical methods because direction-averaged radiative properties are required for the subsequent radiative heat transfer simulations. The morphology and the radiative properties of the realistic morphology are compared to the ones of representative soot aggregates numerically generated by a DLCCA (Diffusion Limited Cluster-Cluster Aggregation) algorithm. The similarities and discrepancies on the radiative properties are investigated, and the differences between representative virtual aggregates on the one hand and the tomography reconstructed object on the other hand in terms of radiative properties are highlighted. Finally the effect of the presence and of the morphology of soot on the radiative heat transfer within a sooty gaseous mixture in a 1D isothermal parallel plate configuration is investigated by the resolution of the radiative transfer equation using DOM (Discrete Ordinates Method).},
keywords = {Helios},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Chaumun, Elizabeth
PSL Research University, 2016.
Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Helios
title = {Corrosion sous contrainte de l’Alliage 82 en vapeur d’eau hydrog\'{e}n\'{e}e \`{a} 400°C : influence de la microstructure et du comportement m\'{e}canique sur l’amor\c{c}age},
author = {Elizabeth Chaumun},
url = {},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-04-06},
school = {PSL Research University},
abstract = {La Corrosion Sous Contrainte (CSC) est un des principaux modes de d\'{e}gradation des composants assembl\'{e}s par soudage dans R\'{e}acteurs \`{a} Eau Pressuris\'{e}e (REP). Le retour d’exp\'{e}rience de 2007 sur les soudures en alliage \`{a} base de nickel a pr\'{e}sent\'{e} 3 cas de fissuration par CSC sur l’Alliage 82 sur les 300 cas recens\'{e}s dans le circuit primaire. L’objectif de cette \'{e}tude est alors d’identifier des param\`{e}tres microstructuraux et m\'{e}caniques \`{a} l’\'{e}chelle de la microstructure impliqu\'{e}s dans l’amor\c{c}age de fissures. Les caract\'{e}risations du mat\'{e}riau pour identifier ces param\`{e}tres sont compos\'{e}es d’une part, d’analyses de la composition chimique et d’analyses EBSD (Electron Back-Scattered Diffraction) pour la morphologie et les orientations cristallographiques des grains pour la microstructure et, d’autre part, de mesures exp\'{e}rimentales de d\'{e}formation en surface et de calculs num\'{e}riques de champs de contrainte autour des joints de grains par \'{e}l\'{e}ments finis pour le comportement m\'{e}canique. La corr\'{e}lation de ces informations avec les sites d’amor\c{c}age de fissures de CSC obtenus avec les essais d’amor\c{c}age entrepris sur des \'{e}prouvettes U-bend en milieu vapeur d’eau hydrog\'{e}n\'{e}e \`{a} 400°C, 188 bar a confirm\'{e} la sensibilit\'{e} de l’Alliage 82 en CSC avec une fissuration intergranulaire des joints de grains dont la particularit\'{e} premi\`{e}re est d’\^{e}tre perpendiculaire \`{a} la sollicitation (mode I). Les autres param\`{e}tres concernent celui de la chimie locale au niveau des joints de grains, de leur nature (g\'{e}n\'{e}raux ou sp\'{e}ciaux) et du chargement m\'{e}canique appliqu\'{e} \`{a} ces derniers (contrainte et diff\'{e}rence de d\'{e}formation). Cette m\'{e}thodologie, applicable \`{a} d’autre mat\'{e}riau, a permis de mieux comprendre quels sont les param\`{e}tres microscopiques sensibilisent la coh\'{e}sion du joint de grains et \`{a} quels degr\'{e} d’importance doivent-il \^{e}tre pris en compte dans le m\'{e}canisme d’amor\c{c}age de fissures de CSC. },
keywords = {Helios},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {phdthesis}
Guerret, Laetitia; Audibert, Jean-Frédéric; Débarre, Anne; Lepeltier, Marc; Haghi-Ashtiani, Paul; Dubacheva, Galina; Miomandre, Fabien
Investigations of Photophysical and Electrofluorochromic Properties of Gold Nanoparticles Functionalized by a Luminescent Electroactive Complex Article de journal
Dans: J. Phys. Chem. C, 2016.
Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Titan
title = {Investigations of Photophysical and Electrofluorochromic Properties of Gold Nanoparticles Functionalized by a Luminescent Electroactive Complex},
author = {Laetitia Guerret and Jean-Fr\'{e}d\'{e}ric Audibert and Anne D\'{e}barre and Marc Lepeltier and Paul Haghi-Ashtiani and Galina Dubacheva and Fabien Miomandre},
url = {},
doi = {10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b09865},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-06},
journal = {J. Phys. Chem. C},
keywords = {Titan},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Gaur, Vidit; Doquet, Véronique; Persent, Emmanuel; Mareau, Charles; Roguet, Eléonore; Kittel, Jean
Surface versus internal fatigue crack initiation in steel: Influence of mean stress Article de journal
Dans: International Journal of Fatigue, vol. 82, no. 3, p. 437–448, 2016.
Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Helios
title = {Surface versus internal fatigue crack initiation in steel: Influence of mean stress},
author = {Vidit Gaur and V\'{e}ronique Doquet and Emmanuel Persent and Charles Mareau and El\'{e}onore Roguet and Jean Kittel},
url = {},
doi = {10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2015.08.028},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
journal = {International Journal of Fatigue},
volume = {82},
number = {3},
pages = {437\textendash448},
abstract = {Stress-controlled fatigue tests were run at different R ratios (=σmin/σmax=σmin/σmax) up to at most 3 million cycles on a 2.5%Cr\textendash1%Mo steel (ASTM A182 F22) used in riser tubes connectors for offshore oil drilling. The fatigue lives, as well as the slope of the S\textendashN curves were found to decrease with increasing R and the endurance limit to follow Gerber’s parabola. Surface crack initiation without any defect involved, was most often observed for R = −1, −0.5 and 0, while an R ratio of 0.25 triggered crack initiation from either surface or internal pores or chemically inhomogeneous areas, leading, in the latter case, to fish-eye patterns for relatively low numbers of cycles. A further increase in R ratio to 0.5 promoted only defect-initiated surface cracks, while no fatigue fracture was observed within 10 million cycles above R=0.6R=0.6. These transitions in crack initiation mode are discussed based on X-ray diffraction analyses of residual stresses, elastic\textendashplastic F.E. computations on a unit cell model containing a pore and some fracture mechanics analyses, with a particular attention to environmental effects.},
keywords = {Helios},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Gaslain, Fabrice; Le, Hong Thai; Duhamel, Cecilie; Guerre, Catherine; Laghoutaris, Pierre
The role of intergranular chromium carbides on intergranular oxidation of nickel based alloys in pressurized water reactors primary water Article de journal
Dans: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 109, no. 1, p. 012004, 2016.
Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Helios
title = {The role of intergranular chromium carbides on intergranular oxidation of nickel based alloys in pressurized water reactors primary water},
author = {Fabrice Gaslain and Hong Thai Le and Cecilie Duhamel and Catherine Guerre and Pierre Laghoutaris},
url = {},
doi = {10.1088/1757-899X/109/1/012004},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
journal = {IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering},
volume = {109},
number = {1},
pages = {012004},
abstract = {Alloy 600 is used in pressurized water reactors (PWRs) but is susceptible to primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC). Intergranular chromium carbides have been found beneficial to reduce PWSCC. Focussed ion beam coupled with scanning electron microscopy (FIB/SEM) 3D tomography has been used to reconstruct the morphology of grain boundary oxide penetrations and their interaction with intergranular Cr carbides in Alloy 600 subjected to a PWR environment. In presence of intergranular Cr carbides, the intergranular oxide penetrations are less deep but larger than without carbide. However, the intergranular oxide volumes normalized by the grain boundary length for both samples are similar, which suggest that intergranular oxidation growth rate is not affected by carbides. Analytical transmission electron microscopy (TEM) shows that the intergranular oxide consists mainly in a spinel-type oxide containing nickel and chromium, except in the vicinity of Cr carbides where Cr 2 O 3 was evidenced. The formation of chromium oxide may explain the lower intergranular oxide depth observed in grain boundaries containing Cr carbides.},
keywords = {Helios},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Okyay, Gizem; Héripré, Eva; Reiss, Thomas; Haghi-Ashtiani, Paul; Auger, Thierry; Enguehard, Franck
Soot aggregate complex morphology : 3D geometry reconstruction by SEM tomography applied on soot issued from propane combustion Article de journal
Dans: Journal of Aerosol Science, 2015.
Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Helios
title = {Soot aggregate complex morphology : 3D geometry reconstruction by SEM tomography applied on soot issued from propane combustion},
author = { Gizem Okyay and Eva H\'{e}ripr\'{e} and Thomas Reiss and Paul Haghi-Ashtiani and Thierry Auger and Franck Enguehard},
url = {},
doi = {10.1016/j.jaerosci.2015.11.009},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-12-09},
journal = {Journal of Aerosol Science},
keywords = {Helios},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Mercier, Adrien; Zehani, Karim; Chaplier, Gérard; Pasko, Alexandre; Loyau, Vincent; Mazaleyrat, Frédéric
Spark Plasma Sintering Co-Sintered Monolithic Transformers for Power Electronics Article de journal
Dans: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 52, no. 5, p. 1-4, 2015.
Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Tomographe
title = { Spark Plasma Sintering Co-Sintered Monolithic Transformers for Power Electronics },
author = {Adrien Mercier and Karim Zehani and G\'{e}rard Chaplier and Alexandre Pasko and Vincent Loyau and Fr\'{e}d\'{e}ric Mazaleyrat},
editor = {IEEE},
url = {},
doi = {10.1109/TMAG.2015.2504876},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-12-03},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Magnetics},
volume = {52},
number = {5},
pages = {1-4},
abstract = {Power integration is a key issue to reduce the volume and weight of electronic devices in power applications. However, transformers produced using classical planar assembly are limited in design. Spark plasma sintering (SPS) is a relatively new technology to produce multi-material compact systems with higher density using lower sintering temperature. The purpose of this paper is to manufacture cubic-centimeter-sized transformers for the high-frequency application using SPS. The prototype presented in this paper is composed of two spiral copper coils separated by an insulated layer and encapsulated in ferrite powder. The assembly is then co-sintered by SPS. The magnetic material used for the transformers is a nickel-zinc-based ferrite, with copper substitution to allow sintering at low temperatures. The low conductivity of this mixed ferrite ensures operation in the frequency range of 1-20 MHz of our final system. Computed tomography scanning has been used to optimize the design of the co-sintered structures. The effects of the composition of the ferrite and the sintering temperature on the transformation ratio are discussed. It is shown that a ferrite with very low conductivity is required to ensure galvanic insulation, as there is a direct contact between the copper spirals and the magnetic parts.},
keywords = {Tomographe},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Tancogne-Dejean, Thomas; Héripré, Eva; Mohr, Dirk
Micro-usinage, préparation et cisaillement in-situ d'un monocristal sous MEB-FIB Conférence
Journées Pédagogiques du GN-MEBA, 2015.
Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Helios
title = {Micro-usinage, pr\'{e}paration et cisaillement in-situ d'un monocristal sous MEB-FIB},
author = {Thomas Tancogne-Dejean and Eva H\'{e}ripr\'{e} and Dirk Mohr},
url = {},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-12-01},
booktitle = {Journ\'{e}es P\'{e}dagogiques du GN-MEBA},
keywords = {Helios},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Fan, Benhui; Salem, Diana; Haghi-Ashtiani, Paul; Bai, Jinbo
Influence of Inter Structure of Two-Phase Hybrid Fillers BaTiO3 and Carbon Nanotubes on the Dielectric Properties of Polyvinylidene Fluoride Matrix Composites Article de journal
Dans: Journal of Advanced Physics, vol. 4, no. 4, p. 388-392, 2015.
Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Titan
title = { Influence of Inter Structure of Two-Phase Hybrid Fillers BaTiO3 and Carbon Nanotubes on the Dielectric Properties of Polyvinylidene Fluoride Matrix Composites},
author = {Benhui Fan and Diana Salem and Paul Haghi-Ashtiani and Jinbo Bai},
editor = {American Scientific Publishers},
url = {\&mimetype=application/pdf},
doi = {10.1166/jap.2015.1207},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-12-01},
journal = {Journal of Advanced Physics},
volume = {4},
number = {4},
pages = {388-392},
abstract = {Two-phase hybrid fillers of BaTiO3(BT) and carbon nanotube (CNT) with three inter structures but same volume ratios were loaded into polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) matrix. Three inter structures of two-phase hybrid fillers were simple mechanical mixing, CNT growing on the surface of BT particles by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and BT coating on the CNT surface by hydrothermal, respectively. An obvious diversity of dielectric properties and percolation phenomenon for the three composites was observed when with the same fillers volume fraction. The difference among inter structures of the two-phase hybrid fillers and interfaces would result in the diversity of the dielectric properties of composites. },
keywords = {Titan},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Thibeaux, Roman; Perrin, Eric; Smaniotto, Benjamin; Duval, Hervé; Vennat, Elsa; Neron, David; David, Bertrand
Using X-ray computed tomography for quantification of cell proliferation within a perfusion bioreactor Article de journal
Dans: Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, vol. 18, no. S1, p. 2072-2073, 2015.
Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Tomographe
title = {Using X-ray computed tomography for quantification of cell proliferation within a perfusion bioreactor},
author = {Roman Thibeaux and Eric Perrin and Benjamin Smaniotto and Herv\'{e} Duval and Elsa Vennat and David Neron and Bertrand David},
editor = {Taylor \& Francis},
url = {},
doi = {10.1080/10255842.2015.1069568},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-07-28},
journal = {Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering},
volume = {18},
number = {S1},
pages = {2072-2073},
keywords = {Tomographe},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Daghia, Federica; Cluzel, Christophe
Evaluation of the climbing drum peel (CDP) test for the determination of the mode I fracture toughness of monolithic laminated composite specimens Proceedings Article
Dans: 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, 2015.
Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Tomographe
title = {Evaluation of the climbing drum peel (CDP) test for the determination of the mode I fracture toughness of monolithic laminated composite specimens},
author = {Federica Daghia and Christophe Cluzel},
url = {},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-07-24},
booktitle = {20th International Conference on Composite Materials},
keywords = {Tomographe},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
Daghia, Federica; Cluzel, Christophe
The Climbing Drum Peel Test: An alternative to the Double Cantilever Beam for the determination of fracture toughness of monolithic laminates Article de journal
Dans: Composites: Part A, vol. 78, p. 70-83, 2015.
Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Tomographe
title = {The Climbing Drum Peel Test: An alternative to the Double Cantilever Beam for the determination of fracture toughness of monolithic laminates},
author = {Federica Daghia and Christophe Cluzel},
url = {},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-07-17},
journal = {Composites: Part A},
volume = {78},
pages = {70-83},
abstract = {The experimental determination of the fracture toughness of inter-ply interfaces in monolithic composite specimens is far from trivial: even in standard test methods such as the Double Cantilever Beam (DCB), some precautions must be taken in the choice of the test configurations and in the post-treatment of the experimental results. Furthermore, non standard measurements such as the crack tip position during propagation are generally required. In this paper, we investigate an alternative test configuration, the Climbing Drum Peel (CDP) test, classically used in the ‘adhesives’ community. The adaptation of the CDP specimen configurations to the testing of monolithic composites is discussed and a systematic comparison is carried out between the CDP and the DCB tests in terms of global and local indicators of the crack propagation behavior.},
keywords = {Tomographe},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Darquennes, A.; Wang, Y.; Benboudjema, F.; Nahas, G.
Monitoring internal sulphate reactions by X-ray tomography Conférence
15th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials. Delft, The Netherlands, 2015.
Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Tomographe
title = {Monitoring internal sulphate reactions by X-ray tomography},
author = {A. Darquennes and Y. Wang and F. Benboudjema and G. Nahas},
url = {},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-06-17},
booktitle = {15th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials. Delft, The Netherlands},
journal = {15th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials},
abstract = {For certain cement chemical compositions and under specific temperature and humidity conditions, concrete deterioration can be attributed to internal sulphate reactions. This pathology mainly affects massive structures (e.g. bridge piers, dams, nuclear power plants) or precast concrete structures that undergo specific heat treatments. Without an external sulphate source, sulphate reaction is characterized by delayed ettringite formation leading to swelling of the cementitious matrix and
cracking. Nevertheless, the mechanisms and the impact of this pathology on the microscopic and structural scales are still today not thoroughly understood. A performance based approach (accelerated treatment) was recently proposed by IFSTTAR (test method n°66) in order to determine the sensitivity of a cementitious mixture to the delayed etttringite formation. It consists in longitudinal swelling measurements on cylindrical specimens submitted to drying and wet cycles followed by a water curing at 20 °C.
In this work, the internal sulphate reaction in a concrete specimen that has followed an accelerated treatment is monitored by means of X-ray tomography. X-ray tomography is a non-destructive test that provides information on the 3D mesostructural evolutions. Using a post-treatment method implemented in Matlab, the evolution of several parameters (porosity, cracking) is quantified. The interfacial zone between aggregate and paste matrix is also studied. Supplementary observations performed
by means of optical and scanning electron microscopy confirm that the delayed ettringite is principally formed in the large pores and in the interfacial transition zone of the cementitious matrix. Finally, using a 3D numerical reconstruction method aggregates can be seperated from the cementitious matrix to create a finite element mesh of the specimen at the mesoscale level that can be used for numerical simulations.},
keywords = {Tomographe},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
cracking. Nevertheless, the mechanisms and the impact of this pathology on the microscopic and structural scales are still today not thoroughly understood. A performance based approach (accelerated treatment) was recently proposed by IFSTTAR (test method n°66) in order to determine the sensitivity of a cementitious mixture to the delayed etttringite formation. It consists in longitudinal swelling measurements on cylindrical specimens submitted to drying and wet cycles followed by a water curing at 20 °C.
In this work, the internal sulphate reaction in a concrete specimen that has followed an accelerated treatment is monitored by means of X-ray tomography. X-ray tomography is a non-destructive test that provides information on the 3D mesostructural evolutions. Using a post-treatment method implemented in Matlab, the evolution of several parameters (porosity, cracking) is quantified. The interfacial zone between aggregate and paste matrix is also studied. Supplementary observations performed
by means of optical and scanning electron microscopy confirm that the delayed ettringite is principally formed in the large pores and in the interfacial transition zone of the cementitious matrix. Finally, using a 3D numerical reconstruction method aggregates can be seperated from the cementitious matrix to create a finite element mesh of the specimen at the mesoscale level that can be used for numerical simulations.
Bai, X.; Gemeiner, P.; Guiblin, N.; Wei, J.; Haghi-Ashtiani, P.; Bogicevic, C.; Dkhil, B.; Infante, I. C.
Comparative study of synthesis and properties of multiferroic BiFeO3 Conférence
Electroceramics XIV, 2015.
Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Titan
title = {Comparative study of synthesis and properties of multiferroic BiFeO3},
author = {X. Bai and P. Gemeiner and N. Guiblin and J. Wei and P. Haghi-Ashtiani and C. Bogicevic and B. Dkhil and I.C. Infante},
url = {},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-06-16},
booktitle = {Electroceramics XIV},
abstract = {Bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3) has received a lot of attention as it is one of the rare multiferroic material showing simultaneously ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic orders at room temperature. Remarkably, because of its small band gap (~2.2eV) and good chemical stability, it was recently demonstrated to have significant photocatalytic and photovoltaic properties which make it a very interesting material for developing potential photoferroelectric applications in the ultraviolet and visible light range.
This work is devoted to study this multiferroic material at the nano- and micro-scales. We will show results on the synthesis and characterization of nano-and micro-objects of BiFeO3. The fabrication of pure nano and micro BiFeO3 objects have been performed using different methods (solid state and sol-gel methods) in order to investigate the shape and synthesis conditions affecting the nano and micro BiFeO3 powder properties. In order to enhance the dielectric, magnetic and photocatalytic properties, different cations are used as dopants on Bi and Fe sites. The corresponding ferroelectric and magnetic properties of nano-and micro-objects will be presented and analyzed, particularly studying the effect on the electric band-structure, ferroelectric domain arrangement and surface potential using photoemission electron spectroscopy and microscopy. The local chemistry and structure of nano-and micro-objects has been investigated combining high resolution electron microscopy techniques in scanning and transition modes to understand their influence on the functional properties. The different effect of different particle sizes, surface termination as well as the dopants on the functional properties will be discussed. Perspectives on future applications of BiFeO3-based materials will be presented. },
keywords = {Titan},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
This work is devoted to study this multiferroic material at the nano- and micro-scales. We will show results on the synthesis and characterization of nano-and micro-objects of BiFeO3. The fabrication of pure nano and micro BiFeO3 objects have been performed using different methods (solid state and sol-gel methods) in order to investigate the shape and synthesis conditions affecting the nano and micro BiFeO3 powder properties. In order to enhance the dielectric, magnetic and photocatalytic properties, different cations are used as dopants on Bi and Fe sites. The corresponding ferroelectric and magnetic properties of nano-and micro-objects will be presented and analyzed, particularly studying the effect on the electric band-structure, ferroelectric domain arrangement and surface potential using photoemission electron spectroscopy and microscopy. The local chemistry and structure of nano-and micro-objects has been investigated combining high resolution electron microscopy techniques in scanning and transition modes to understand their influence on the functional properties. The different effect of different particle sizes, surface termination as well as the dopants on the functional properties will be discussed. Perspectives on future applications of BiFeO3-based materials will be presented.
Olivier, Kelly; Darquennes, Aveline; Benboudjema, Farid; Gagné, Richard
Impact of material characteristics on the self-healing kinetic of cementitious materials Proceedings Article
Dans: International Conference "Innovations in Construction" (CIGOS 2015), May 2015, Cachan, France, 2015.
Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Tomographe
title = {Impact of material characteristics on the self-healing kinetic of cementitious materials},
author = {Kelly Olivier and Aveline Darquennes and Farid Benboudjema and Richard Gagn\'{e}},
url = {},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-05-11},
booktitle = {International Conference "Innovations in Construction" (CIGOS 2015), May 2015, Cachan, France},
abstract = {Cement is one of the most useful materials in the world. Concrete made with this material presents many advantages such as workability and durability. However, cement production releases a lot of CO 2. To limit this effect, cement can be replaced by mineral additions. Ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBFS), an industrial waste of iron manufacturing, can be recycled as a cementitious material. Moreover, it improves some properties of concrete such as workability, sulphate resistance, etc. However, concrete made with blast-furnace slag presents cracking risk under restraint conditions and can affect the durability by allowing the penetration of aggressive agents. Previous researches have proved that self-healing of cracks can limit this problem. To understand the role of GGBFS on self-healing and the impact of material characteristics on the kinetics of the phenomenon, three compositions of mortar characterized by several GGBFS contents were tested Mortar specimens were cracked at 7 days after casting and stored in water at 23°C. The volume evolution of self-healing products was monitored by X-ray tomography. The hydration degree of mortars was computed from TGA measurements. After one year, SEM with EDS was performed to identify the products formed inside the crack. Results showed that hydration products were formed by the hydration of anhydrous particles on the crack surface. Mortar made with GGBFS presented the best self-healing potential. These results were explained by the material characteristics but also by the evolution of its hydration degree. },
keywords = {Tomographe},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
Bogicevic, Christine; Thorner, Gentien; Karolak, Fabienne; Haghi-Ashtiani, Paul; Kiat, Jean-Michel
Morphogenesis mechanisms in the solvothermal synthesis of BaTiO3 from titanate nanorods and nanotubes Article de journal
Dans: Nanoscale, vol. 7, no. 8, p. 3594-3603, 2015.
Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Titan
title = { Morphogenesis mechanisms in the solvothermal synthesis of BaTiO3 from titanate nanorods and nanotubes},
author = {Christine Bogicevic and Gentien Thorner and Fabienne Karolak and Paul Haghi-Ashtiani and Jean-Michel Kiat},
url = {},
doi = {10.1039/c4nr06266c},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-02-28},
journal = {Nanoscale},
volume = {7},
number = {8},
pages = {3594-3603},
abstract = {A rich variety of single crystalline BaTiO3 (BT) nanostructures have been synthesized by two different routes using titanate nanorods and nanotubes as precursors. Free standing, mixed or agglomerated nanotori, solid or hollow nanospheres and nanocubes were obtained. A careful analysis of the shape evolution of the resulting BT nano-objects obtained with both types of precursors and different parameters (precursor composition and shape, temperature, Ba/Ti molar ratio) allowed an improved understanding of the nanostructure formation. The morphogenesis models at play such as Ostwald ripening and the Kirkendall effect have been identified. Other mechanisms hereafter called the self and merging rebuilding processes and a tentative Turing-reaction-diffusion-model are proposed to explain the formation of these obtained nanoparticles.},
keywords = {Titan},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Hild, François; Bouterf, Amine; Roux, Stéphane
Damage Measurements via DIC: From Physical to Mechanical Damage Article de journal
Dans: International Journal of Fracture, vol. 191, no. 1-2, p. 77-105, 2015, (Special Invited Article Celebrating IJF at 50).
Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Tomographe
title = {Damage Measurements via DIC: From Physical to Mechanical Damage },
author = { Fran\c{c}ois Hild and Amine Bouterf and St\'{e}phane Roux},
url = {},
doi = {10.1007/s10704-015-0004-7},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-01-15},
journal = {International Journal of Fracture},
volume = {191},
number = {1-2},
pages = {77-105},
abstract = {The present paper is devoted to the measurement of damage by resorting to image correlation techniques. This full-field measurement procedure gives access to 2D and 3D displacements that can be utilized to analyze damage mechanisms, to estimate damage fields, and to determine material parameters of damage growth laws. Different features associated with image correlation are addressed in the context of continuum damage mechanics (CDM). Applications concerning damage detection, damage quantification and damage model validation are presented.},
note = {Special Invited Article Celebrating IJF at 50},
keywords = {Tomographe},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Thorner, G.; Bai, X.; Anoufa, M.; Haghi-Ashtiani, P.; Karolak, F.; Bogicevic, C.; Gemeiner, P.; Guiblin, N.; Hamon, A. L.; Aubry, D.; Dkhil, B.; Kiat, J. M.; Infante, I. C.
Designing and probing ferroic oxide nanoobjects Proceedings Article
Dans: IMC 2014 Proceedings, 2014.
Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Titan
title = {Designing and probing ferroic oxide nanoobjects},
author = {G. Thorner and X. Bai and M. Anoufa and P. Haghi-Ashtiani and F. Karolak and C. Bogicevic and P. Gemeiner and N. Guiblin and A.L. Hamon and D. Aubry and B. Dkhil and J.M. Kiat and I.C. Infante},
url = {},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-09-07},
booktitle = {IMC 2014 Proceedings},
number = {MS-12-P-1588},
keywords = {Titan},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
*Publications ne mentionnant pas explicitement l’EquipEx mais utilisant les équipements de celui-ci.