Ecole d’été sur la reconstruction tomographique

Une école d’été sur la reconstruction tomographique est organisée, du 12 au 16 septembre, à Carcans-Maubuisson (Médoc).

Toutes les informations utiles sont là :

Notez que c’est géré par la formation permanente du CNRS, donc gratuit pour un bon nombre d’entre nous. Renseignez-vous auprès de votre secrétariat.


Nowadays, tomography is a 3D imaging technique widely used in many scientific and technical domains to characterize materials and structures.

Specialized synchrotron beamlines and laboratory systems expand continuously the acquisition modes allowing more and more sophisticated information to be extracted from the data. Simultaneously, the standard reconstruction methods progress in efficiency and innovative methods adapted to the new acquisition modes are developed.

The distance between people who do advanced work on reconstruction techniques and people who use the results of reconstruction is growing rapidly. Most of the time the former only use toy examples for simplicity and the latter relatively simple methods due to availability. Mart-3D is aiming at bridging the gap starting from both sides.

This first release of MART-3D will gather in a unique location tomography users and developers of reconstruction methods to facilitate the exchanges in order to provide to the attendees:

  • consolidated basis on “classical” reconstruction methods for attenuation and phase tomography in their most advanced versions,
  • precise notions on the reconstruction methods presently under development,
  • accurate picture of the expectations of the tomography users.

MART-3D is sponsored by the CNRS, the Bordeaux University (Idex and Labex Amadeus), and the Cost Action Extrema.